This site was created in August of 2009 as a tool to share information and materials for use in teaching emotional literacy in prisons. I am hoping it will help facilitators not only to share information, but also build a community of support for people from around the country working to help the incarcerated and other at-risk populations.
Site organization
This web site was developed on a wiki interface. Wiki is relatively new technology for developing web pages for group sharing, like wikipedia. They are easy to edit, and they save EVERYTHING, so you don't need to worry about messing things up. Everything can be restored and replaced easily.
Most of the pages in the site are accessible from the main page. Teaching materials are linked from the seven categories listed. The discussion forum is accessible from the side menu. Information on accessing and using the site are on the side and top menus. You can also use tags to find all materials on given topics.
We welcome you to add a message and pictures in the Members Corner, and inspirational thoughts and quotes on the "Goodness" page, and teaching materials to the main body of work. I hope you will join us and contribute your expertise to this shared resource.