For Returning Members


Thanks for all you do for the men and women behind the walls, and your commitment to creating a better world. I hope this website helps you in your important work.

What's new?

April 13, 2010. I added a "Daily Emotional Weather Report" in Spanish. I hope to get other exercises and readings translated in the near future.

October 15, 2009. We have new exercises on grief and loss, and anger and assertiveness styles. Plus Robin's Emotional Weather report is now available on the site.

September 13th. I added a section on "Caring for ourselves" and a PTSD section.

August 28th. I added a "goodness" page for sharing thoughts, quotes, and stories that inspire. Please add to it.

August 28th. I added an Easy Editing Guide at the bottom of the sidebar to walk members through the process of creating pages and editing pages.

August 25th. I added a members corner for members to introduce themselves, post pictures of their groups, and just get to know who we are.

August 23rd. I added a discussion page for each page on the website. Click the "discuss" button at the bottom of the page to read the discussion and add your own comments.

August 20th. I set up the forum today with two categories. One for questions on teaching, the other for comments on the website. Please help get the discussions going by adding your questions and comments.

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